Math Wildfacts are coming up! Study, Study, Study!!! Students will be tested in their math fluency the week of Jan. 25-29.
Garcia's first student led newscast!!! 4th grade students at Garcia reported on school news as we go green!! Our principal and our librarian got interviewed on the importance of recycling.
Amazing Procedural Videos! Check out Garcia's Procedural Videos on our library website! Students and Ms. Martinez are teaching us how to prepare for our day and how to make exciting art crafts!
STAAR and Dual Language Information Night When: Jan. 14, 2016Time: 5:30 - 6:30 PMWhere: Garcia Elementary
Music Performance Date: Tuesday - Dec. 15, 2015Time: 6 PM - 7:30 PMWhat: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd graders will be performing at Garcia
Community Readers Members from our community have come to share a story by reading it to our students! Our Garcia family loves our community!
Benchmarks are happening at Garcia! Math Benchmark on Tuesday and Reading Benchmark on Wednesday. Be PREPARED!