HPG Counseling Department
Welcome to Hector P. Garcia Elementary!
My name is Mrs. Jirasek, and I am excited to be the counselor at Hector P. Garcia Elementary. I am committed to encouraging and empowering all students to become their very best.
The school counselor has many roles, but my main job is to support you, your student, and their teacher in education. I look forward to working together with you and your student in their education each day.
It might help to know the school counselor is not the same as a counselor outside of school. While we have the same goal in helping people, the school counselor is focused on your student’s education.
If you have concerns about your child, or if something is going on in your family that you think the school should know about, please feel free to contact me. I am always happy to help.
Mrs. Jirasek, MA, LPC-S
Email: [email protected]
Office: (254) 215-6106
¡Bienvenidos a la Escuela Elemental Hector P. Garcia!
Mi nombre es Mrs. Jirasek, y estoy emocionada de ser la consejera de la Escuela Hector P. Garcia. Estoy comprometida a alentar y capacitar a todos los estudiantes para que sean y logren lo mejor de si mismos.
El consejero escolar tiene muchas funciones, pero mi trabajo principal es apoyarlo a usted, a su estudiante y al maestro en la educación. Espero que trabajemos juntos: usted como padre, su estudiante y yo en la educación todos los días.
Puede ser útil saber que un consejero escolar no es lo mismo que un consejero fuera de la escuela. Si bien tenemos el mismo objetivo de ayudar a las personas, el consejero escolar se enfoca en la educación de los estudiantes.
Mrs. Jirasek, MA, LPC-S
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Oficina: (254) 215-6106

This is a website with many activities for elementary students to make learning enjoyable.
Yoga for kids 3 years and older. Cool way to exercise while listening to a story. Our students have done this before and they love it!